The Summer issue of the Driving Light is here!

Dear fellow Buckeye,
Here is the Summer issue of the Driving Light! Simply click on the link below to launch the document. 
Once you’ve opened the newsletter, you can zoom in or out, or navigate through the pages with a click on the directional arrows. The web links for our advertisers and articles are active, so more information is just a click away. Also, if you would like to contact any of the Buckeye Chapter Officers, a simple click on their address will create an email for you. 
Don’t miss the call for the Mid-Ohio Drivers’ School and the soon-to-be-legendary 50th Annual BMW CCA Oktoberfest, Tim Beechuk’s look back at the muddy but memorable Car Corral at Mid-Ohio and the fantastic new Passion exhibit at the BMW CCA Foundation, pics from the warm and wonderful Vintage car show, and the fun both recently had and coming soon to the Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and Toledo areas!
I hope you will enjoy your electronic Driving Light, but if you would prefer to receive future Driving Lights in printed form, here’s the shortcut:
1) visit 2) if you aren’t logged in, enter your credentials3) update your preference using the dropdown4) click save.
And if you should change your email address at some point, please be sure to update your address information on, so that you may continue to receive your indispensable Buckeye Chapter news and information, as well as all your other important BMW CCA online communications.
The Driving Light Summer issue:

Thank you for your continued support of the Buckeye Chapter and the BMW CCA. Have a great Summer!
Dohn Roush
EditorBMW CCA Buckeye Chapter Driving Light
937-885-5941cell: 937-238-9568[email protected]